Hi, I’m Jana.
I solve knowledge and skill gaps through creating dynamic learning experiences.
Featured Project
I designed and developed this eLearning concept project for newly-licensed real estate agents to practice financial strategies for tax preparedness.
What People Are Saying
“I think what fuels Jana in her quality work is that she has a vision for whatever she does. She sees the bigger picture to design engaging learning solutions that make an impact. This type of thinking makes Jana a key person to have on a team and makes the projects she is part of a success.”
“Jana can adapt her style of communication to fit any need, and she often uses these opportunities to show one of her most amazing qualities, which is her positivity. She truly embodies a “can-do” spirit, seeing the best in people and situations.”
“Jana has been one of our strongest instructors, which requires planning and preparation as well as the ability to improvise when the way you think things are going to go isn't the way they go at all. I am often impressed with the design and functionality of documents and presentations she makes.”